Author Guidelines

The submitted manuscript for publication in the Journal should be original research work that has high academic merit and should be contributed solely to the  Journal, not previously published, and not under consideration for publication in the other publisher elsewhere and free from plagiarism. The manuscript that does not meet those requirements will be automatically rejected.
The submission that involves a multi-author manuscript implies the consent of all the authors who participated. All the submitted manuscripts to the Journal will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

  • Submission Criteria

    The Manuscript submitted for publication in the  Journal  should be appropriate with the following criteria:

    • The Manuscript must be written in good English language.
    • The Manuscript must be within the scope of the journal.
    • The Manuscript must be original, have not been published elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any journal during the review process.
    • The Manuscript must follow the journal instructions and have the correct style before being considered for the reviewing process.
  • Preparing Manuscript File

    • The Journal accepts the manuscript in the form of a research article, a comparative, and a review article.
    • The manuscript must be prepared using word processing software, e.g. Microsoft Word, Open Office, Libre Office, etc., with document format .doc, or .docx.
  • Manuscript Structure

    • Title
      • The title of the manuscript must be concise and informative.
    • Author Names and Affiliation

      • Make sure that the author's name clearly indicates the given name and family name of each author. Present the author's affiliation below the author's name. Add a number in a superscript letter after the author's name and before the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the name of the author's country and email address. Clearly provide who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication and after publication.

    • Abstract

      • The abstract must be concise, and factual and should state the purpose of the research, the used methods, the principal results, and the main conclusion briefly. Due to the abstract is occasionally presented separately from the full article, it should be able to stand alone and should not contain references. The use of non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if necessary, they must be defined as mentioned in the abstract body.

    • Keywords

      • The keyword should be provided immediately after the abstract. It provides a maximum of 4 to 6 words, which is the keyword of the whole article. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.

    • The Main Manuscript Content

      • Introduction
      • Experimental Section
      • Results and Discussion
      • Conclusion
      • The main body of the manuscript should be provided as follows:
    • Acknowledgment

      • Acknowledgment should be provided in a separate section at the end of the manuscript before the references. It should not be included on the title page, as a footnote, or otherwise. It also should contain a list of those individuals or institutions that provide help during the research.

    • References

  • Manuscript Content

    • Section and subsection of the manuscript should be prepared in clearly defined and numbered sections. Sections should be numbered 1 (then 2, 3, ...), subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ....), etc. Abstract, acknowledgment, and reference are not included in section numbering.

    • Section and Subsection

    • Figure and Artwork

      • Figures and artwork should be prepared in an acceptable format (JPEG, JPG, PNG, EPS, PDF, or MS Office files and with high enough resolution. Make sure that each figure and artwork should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Ensure that each figure or artwork has a caption that comprises a brief title and a description of the figure or artwork. Keep the text in the figures or artworks themselves to a minimum, but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.

    • Tables

      • The table should be provided as editable text and not as images. Tables could be placed in the next relevant text in the manuscript, or in the separate pages(s) at the end. Tables should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text, and any table notes below the table body. The use of vertical rules and shading in the table shell should be avoided.

    • Math Formulae's

      • The math formulae provided in the text should be prepared as editable text and not as images.

  • References
    • Journal:
      (1) First_Name_Initial. Last_Name, “Title of the Reference”, Publisher Name, (Offline or Online or Online and Offline: Journal
      ISSN: XXXX-XXXX), Vol-X, Issue-X, Year, Available: ( )
      (2) E. Saxena, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, Library of Gyanam, (Online: Journal ISSN:7160 -
      4830 ), Vol-X, Issue-X, 2021, Available: ( ) {Single Author Example}
      (3) E. Saxena, S. Gupta, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, Library of Gyanam, (Online: Journal
      ISSN:7160 - 4830 ), Vol-X, Issue-X, 2021, Available: ( ) {Multi Authors Example}
    • Conference Proceedings or Presenting:
      (1) First_Name_Initial. Last_Name, “Title of the Reference”, Conference Title, (Offline or Online or Online and Offline:
      Conference (if having ISSN/ ISBN) ISSN: XXXX-XXXX ), Year,
      Available: ( )
      (2) E. Saxena, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
      (Online: Conference ISSN:7160 - 4830 ), 2023, Available: ( ) {Single Author Example}
      (3) E. Saxena, S. Gupta, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, International Conference on Artificial
      Intelligence, (Online: Conference ISSN:7160 - 4830 ), 2023, Available: ( )
      {Multi Authors Example}
    • Preprint:
      (1) First_Name_Initial. Last_Name, “Title of the Reference”, Preprint Title, (Online: Preprint (if having ISSN) ISSN: XXXXXXXX ), Year, Available: ( )
      (2) E. Saxena, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, VGV Preprint, (Online: Preprint), 2023,
      Available:( ), {Single Author Example}
      (3) E. Saxena, S. Gupta, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, VGV Preprint, (Online: Preprint), 2023,
      Available: ( ) {Multi Authors Example}
    • Book and eBook
      (1) First_Name_Initial. Last_Name, “Title of the Reference Book or eBook”, Book or eBook Title, Book Publisher, (Offline or
      Online: Book/ eBook ISSN/ISBN: XXXX-XXXX ), Edition: X, Page:: XXX, Publication Year,
      Available:( (if web-link is available) )
      (2) E. Saxena, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, Machine Learning, Pearson, (Offline: Book),
      Edition:2, Page: 209, 2023, {Single Author Example}
      (3) E. Saxena, S. Gupta, “The Template of Manuscript for Preprint Server Network”, Machine Learning, Pearson,(Online:Book),
      Edition:2, Page: 209, 2023, Available:( ) {Multi Author Example}